miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Meeting of Souls

  Few days ago, I read one quote by Jorge Luis Borges, an Argentinian writer about of: each person
that know  each other is special, some people leave a mark on us forever.
then after  I found  another quote of Paulo Cohelo, another great Brazilian writer and he says: “the
 most important meeting, was planned between our souls before we know each other”
very similar by Jorge Luis Borges.   because. I had living this experience.
for me, it has sense and it is deep.
I believe that they have a big truth, and I think when you find the love of your live. you can get a conclusion like the writers
fate has a plan for us, it is very  interesting topic, a long time ago a friend said me this, nothing is casual, all happens for something, from these premises, I think that is truth,  because  I lived this experience.
when two souls belong to each other love is forever. Maybe you think different from me. but think
about it, this for a moment it looks crazy, but believe me that is truth, the fate does exists and I believe that maybe we
met in another life, than suddenly one day you will find her. is  excited think on this happen, like Paulo Cohelo's says:
“was planned for the souls before knows each other”. I was thinking about it and I agree with him.

I think that two souls loved each other in other time, and know each other, and main reason is because love exist and were in love, perhaps this is subjective thought and complicated to accept, but is the feelings, to talking for us.
I think that the internet, close the people and brake the border lines.
Think if you were a single, wherever you can find the love of your live probably are close of you or probably very faraway from you, suddenly appear. When this happens. you will understand a little of this, how do you do to live with her or him forever, where is the love. if  exist. you have to discover the truth?
rarely someone's thinks from this perspective but consider behind all of maybe happen if you are open to fate.
Welcome the new age, maybe strange but normal for others, but the times changed by the social networks.

what do you think? 
this a big question. do you believe it, or not ?

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