domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

cannabis indica

The  Marijuana  Legalization

This a brief history of cannabis and some possible reason to use it.The first data of cannabis dating from 4000 BC., used since ancient times by the Persians in the sixth century BC, the Mesopotamian empire in the sixth century BC,  after, the end of century XV the Spanish bring in cannabis, to Americas. In Mexico the Nahuatl ethnic group, named marijuana. Always is there, in the modern times has been used by different groups countercultural, Hippies, punks, darks etc.. They reveal versus authority or conventional rules by the society. The Army use to escape of moment of crisis for example the Vietnam War. Maybe some people see like real palliative confront reality. Although many people consider the marijuana to be medicine, others consider just an addictive drug and harmful and not be legalized.


For example recently the researchers, find some properties to sick people and they can feel better and could prevent some of them like: Alzheimer's Disease, treatment for the symptoms of Hepatitis C, Glaucoma, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis / Muscle Spasms, Arthritis, AIDS, Asthma / Breathing Disorders etc.. Science is working to find solutions to high risk diseases.

In the present day this activity reach a big industry. the point is in USA, they wants to legalized this activity, consume the marijuana loosely.I think this an industry is increasing, in many senses, chemistry, transgenic laboratories, genetic Engineering are working to improve the ADN of this herb. Also they are making business, regular sales to sick persons, also wants to use this drug in way recreationally because the effects relax. That is the reason refuse to combat this drug, I think most person prefer the legalized of marijuana because in many states sale

Ethically and morally

On the other hand, Not all the people consume marijuana, for being sick, I think most wants recreation moment, but have a risk for many reasons. for example the years 60’s and 70’s the incidence of crime was on the rise, many dysfunctional families and this addiction make young offenders forget their obligations.

I mean, if somebody consume marijuana, has an alkaloid and make a strong addiction, why?  The substance tetrahydrocannabinol remains in the body for weeks or even longer.

What kind of damage causes, for example the immediate effects like tachycardia, lack of physical coordination, depression with panic attacks or anxiety.

The regular smoker alters brain biochemistry and brain disorder, also in women can alter the menstrual cycle. Mental functions decrease, affect the nerve cell of the brain, in the men can cause temporary sterility.  

Now exist many addicts, but I don't believe that governments have enough health centers to help

to addicts, when many want to leave of drugs. Addiction is a very serious case

Political view

in other decades, was allowed to use, after we know about it, was forbidden, however they break some rules and fight among themselves, the  law and government depend of the  epoch, today the political decisions of the legalized marijuana. depend of others economic circumstances specially if some political parties have possibilities to wins. Now the drugs has gaining ground the political life,  is some countries, especially in USA

for example, this herb was prohibited and penalized, by possession of the marijuana,

now a new industry  is coming and represent millions of dollars profit.

in the north of México many people cultivate the marijuana, many people is powerful and by govern fall down  because they have the money,  this activity and others more goes to increasing. I think that we don’t now the real situation inside political sphere.

I was reading the news on line and never imagine the statistics in Mexico, the population

is around; hundred and thirty million people to day and the consumer is increasing of 1.5 % to 2.8% when I see this numbers, I try to calculate the population in my country, and make math operations to know the score, and I had this; in the last years, three million six hundred forty thousand people in USA 6 % the smokers of marijuana. Almost 12.8 million,  I can’t believe it, because is too many.

I have a conclusion, the marijuana never end, in Mexico we 
have a "saying" weed never dies.

Maybe everybody wants to legalize this alkaloid, in some 
universities discover the benefits 
 of marijuana, in others universities they found many risks, Is 

incredible how change the 

things Addiction is a very serious case. Before dangerous now medicine and recreative 


Perhaps México has a big effort to prevent this production, but is a raw reality, Mexico lost the war versus drugs, maybe is necessary forget many murder and forget the prisoner caused for this weed. Better change the rules with this modern world, why not, México too. Maybe things change pursuit the peace in the border lines between USA- Mexico.

In Europe, like Holland by governments, consider pertinent the use. But the effects will be many addicts, I think.

So, I would refer, regularize and pay sales taxes for this drug, just to medicine, anyway the best solution the doctors prescribe to sick people

We should reach the best solution. I hope, by govern and the society in a few years choose the best to us, we need vote and claim by our right to be heard.

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